Get on your bike - but safely!

A young woman is riding her bike wearing a helmet, as recommended by the police.
Get on your bike - but safely!
There are many good reasons to leave the car at home as often as possible and take the bike instead: High fuel prices, environmental protection, exercise in the fresh air... Many have switched to pedelecs. In 2022, the number of accidents involving pedelec users in particular rose significantly. Fortunately, there were fewer two-wheeler accidents in 2023, but every accident is one too many.

There are many causes of accidents. Very often it is due to inattention when there is a crash. We appeal to all road users to follow the rules, not to be distracted and to show consideration for each other - this applies to everyone, whether car drivers, bikers, cyclists or pedestrians.

Of course, it is also important that bicycles are roadworthy. Our advice: ride with a helmet. It can protect you from serious head injuries in the event of a fall and possibly save lives.

In 2023, 663 cyclists were involved in accidents on roads in the district of Recklinghausen and the city of Bottrop, including 273 pedelec riders.

The complete traffic accident report 2023 is available on this page under "Download".

This page also provides an overview of the rules for cyclists and the fines that are due for violations.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110