Stumbling blocks 2021- 1
Action against forgetting
Prospective police officers clean stumbling blocks in Aachen
What role did the police play in the crimes of National Socialism? Prospective police officers at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration (HSPV) and Chief Superintendent of Police Udo Andres, in his role as lecturer and extremism officer for the Aachen police, are looking at precisely this question as part of a seminar.

What role did the police play in the crimes of National Socialism? Prospective police officers at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration (HSPV) and Chief Superintendent of Police Udo Andres, in his function as lecturer and extremism officer of the Aachen police, are addressing precisely this question in a seminar.

In addition to other teaching content, such as taking part in guided tours of the city organized by the VHS ("Wege gegen das Vergessen"), the students decided to make a special gesture this year: cleaning "stumbling blocks "*. In the middle of Aachen, in the Frankenberger Viertel district, these "brass stones" commemorate the fate of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal and Mrs. Meta Rosenberg, who were victims of the Shoa. The students remembered the families affected and described what happened in Aachen on November 9, 1938.

In addition to Chief of Police Dirk Weinspach and Dr. Nimtz, Head of Department HSPV (Aachen site), local residents also took part in the commemorative event.


*"Stolpersteine" are an art project by artist Gunter Demnig and commemorate the fate of people who were deported, murdered and expelled during the Nazi era.

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